How Domino’s Pizza Customer Service Leads to Great Domino’s Domino’s Pizza

Domino’s is known for its pizza, but it also delivers on its commitment to customer service. That starts with listening to what customers say, and it doesn’t stop there.

Dominos started out in Ypsilanti, Michigan, in 1967, with founder Peter Brandon opening the first franchise location. The company soon grew to 200 locations by 1978. But by then, Dominos was struggling. A combination of economic challenges and a lack of effective leadership had the company teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.

But instead of letting the business die, Domino’s found a way to turn things around. They made some major changes to their organizational structure and refocused on their core values, including “Champion Our Customers.” They also changed the way they did business. Domino’s prioritized putting pizzerias near college campuses, which allowed them to tap into the young, hungry crowd looking for fast food.

Then they focused on improving their products and services to keep customers coming back. And they created an incentive program to reward employees who helped meet those goals. This was an important step because leadership is often based on how you treat your people. And if you can’t trust your people, you can’t expect them to act like champions for your business.

Dominos’ new approach to management was a great start, but they still had to address the root causes of the company’s problems. They needed to improve the way they recruited and trained their employees, and they had to make some changes to their culture. They also had to change the way they communicated with their customers.

One of the most important aspects of a good domino setup is understanding how physics works. A domino’s potential energy converts to kinetic energy when it falls, and some of that energy is transferred to the next domino in the line. That energy gives the next domino a push to fall and start the chain reaction.

Whether Hevesh is working on an intricate 3-D arrangement or simply laying down a single domino, she uses physics to create her mind-blowing creations. For example, she considers the theme or purpose of the installation before she begins. Then she brainstorms images or words to help her think of ways to convey the idea.

Once she’s done planning, she starts constructing the actual structure. She’ll build the biggest 3-D sections first, then add flat arrangements to connect them. Finally, she’ll add lines of dominoes that will lead to the final display.

After that, all she has to do is wait for the laws of physics to take over and set everything in motion. But there’s no guarantee the chain will continue. If the first domino isn’t positioned correctly, or if the next domino doesn’t get enough of a push, it may never fall. In that case, Hevesh must repeat the process until it’s perfect. Fortunately, she’s an expert at predicting the results of her work. Watch the video above to see some of Hevesh’s incredible domino designs in action.