How to Use Domino in Your Novel

Domino is a small, rectangular block used as a game piece. It has a squared, engraved, or molded design with a central hole and is backed by either wood or another rigid material. Each face of the domino has an arrangement of spots (also called pips) or is blank. When one of these blocks falls, the energy it carries travels to the next domino, providing enough force to knock that domino over as well. The process continues until the last domino has fallen. Several types of games can be played with dominoes, including positional games in which a player in turn places a domino edge to edge against another domino to form rows or columns.

When writing a novel, it’s important to think of every plot beat as a domino. Every domino has a starting point and an end, with many steps in between. It doesn’t matter whether you write the story off the cuff or use an outline — all novels begin with the question, “What happens next?” Considering how to utilize domino in your novel will help you answer this crucial question.

Hevesh, a 20-year-old professional domino artist, is famous for creating mind-blowing setups involving hundreds of thousands of dominoes. Her YouTube channel has more than 2 million subscribers, and she’s worked on projects for movies, TV shows, and events. She creates her setups using a version of the engineering-design process. After deciding on a theme or purpose for an installation, Hevesh brainstorms images and words she might want to include in the layout. She then calculates how many dominoes she’ll need for the project and begins planning how they will be arranged.

After surviving the Age of Apocalypse, Domino joined Cable’s team and helped re-form X-Force following the chaotic M-Day event. During this time, she developed a romantic relationship with Cable and helped them sabotage Rumekistan and his island utopia Providence. She also assassinated Flag-Smasher, the leader of an anti-national terrorist group ULTIMATUM, and aided the Six Pack in retaking Rumekistan from the messianic alien Aentaeros. Afterward, she helped the Six Pack liberate mutants sequestered in Providence and later confronted Cable over his messianic behavior.