How Dominoes Can Teach Leadership

A domino is a small, flat, rectangular block used as a gaming object. They’re also called bones, pieces, men, tiles, spinners, or cards. They have an identifying mark on one side and are blank or identically patterned on the other. The identifying mark is usually an arrangement of dots, similar to those on a die. A set of dominoes can be used to play a variety of games, most often by placing them edge-to-edge on the ground in a line with one another and then tipping them over.

Dominos are popular in many cultures around the world, with different versions of the game utilizing unique symbols and colors. Some of the most common games include drawing, matching, and scoring. Dominoes are incredibly versatile and can be used in a wide variety of ways, from lining them up to form rows or creating 3-D structures.

The popularity of the domino has spawned numerous entertainment and educational activities. In addition to traditional games, they’re also often used to teach math and logic skills. They’re also used to promote socialization, allowing people of all ages to interact and have fun together.

In this week’s Wonder of the Day, we investigate how a domino is used to teach a lesson about leadership.

Whether you’re a “pantser,” writing off the cuff without an outline, or a plotter using Scrivener to plan out your story before it’s written, the success of your work still comes down to how well the scenes in your book fall together. Think of each scene as a domino, and each one must have a natural impact on the scene that follows it.

For example, if your main character is flipping out at everyone, you need to make sure that the subsequent scenes don’t allow him to continue. Otherwise, readers will quickly lose interest and find something more compelling to read.

Hevesh creates domino displays for a living, but she doesn’t begin by building the biggest 3-D sections. She first tests each individual section of the display, making sure that it works. This helps her refine the design so that the entire installation will work properly.

By taking this approach, Hevesh is able to ensure that her domino effect will be as effective as possible. Ultimately, this is what every writer needs to do in order to make their stories engaging and captivating. By focusing on each scene’s impact, they can be sure that their story will be successful in driving the reader to the final climax.